山河都在眼里 发表于 2024-9-24 09:48:37

Unity角色对话系统制作视频教程 Unity 5 Build a Character Dialogue System

本Unity视频教程是关于Unity角色对话系统制作视频教程 Unity 5 Build a Character Dialogue System,时长:1小时46分,大小:540 MB,MP4高清视频格式,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:Unity 5,作者:Harrison Ferrone,共28个章节,语言:英语。


Unity是一个让你轻松创作的多平台的游戏开发工具,是一个全面整合的专业游戏引擎,从一开始就被设计成易于使用的产品。作为一个完全集成的专业级应用,Unity还包含了价值数百万美元的功能强大的游戏引擎。Unity 作为一个游戏开发工具,它的设计主旨就是让你能够创建令人惊讶的游戏。如果你之前尝试过Unity,请查看Unity 3都做了哪些更新。如果你是第一次尝试,那就好好看看吧,看Unity都能为你带来什么。Unity作为一种开发环境,可让你脱离传统的游戏开发方式,以一种更简单的方式专注于你的游戏开发。开发网络游戏、移动游戏、单机游戏,Unity都能完全胜任。

Lynda Unity 5 Build a Character Dialogue System
Game programmers and designers are often left to fend for themselves when learning how to write, structure, and manage efficient event systems of their own making. This course has two goals: (1) to convey how fundamental programming patterns and industry standards apply to game development and (2) to equip developers with the theoretical tools needed to inject their projects with engaging narratives, resulting in emotional player investment that comes with story-driven gameplay. This course also covers story-driven game design theory, creating the building blocks of an interactive system, abstracting building blocks into a scalable management class, and more.

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清新脱俗 发表于 2024-9-29 18:07:18


梦幻星辰 发表于 2024-10-2 02:49:24


代码诗人 发表于 2024-10-3 04:19:27


‌笑点太低 发表于 2024-10-3 05:23:03


脑洞大开 发表于 2024-10-5 12:59:19

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查看完整版本: Unity角色对话系统制作视频教程 Unity 5 Build a Character Dialogue System