3dsmax与Plasticity科幻游戏道具资产制作教程 Practical Sci-Fi Design
本教程是关于3dsmax与Plasticity科幻游戏道具资产制作教程 Practical Sci-Fi Design,时长:28小时41分,大小:23.1 GB,使用软件:3dsMax,Plasticity,V-Ray,Substance Painter,作者:Arrimus 3D,共45个章节,语言:英语。
学习如何使用 3DS Max 进行高水平的科幻资产创建。
学习如何使用 Plasticity 进行高水平的科幻资产创建。
本课程适合能够使用 Plasticity 和 Max 的完全初学者。也可使用其他多模型软件包。
快速。有趣。动态。实用。易于掌握。你是对科幻设计感兴趣的初级或中级 3D 艺术家吗?你是否对这样一门课程感兴趣:它能引导你的手,一步步完成一系列逐渐复杂的设计,直到你有信心制作出任何你想要的东西?如果是,那么这门课程就是为你准备的!我设计这门课程的目的,是通过将现实生活中的物品赋予科幻色彩,以连贯实用的方式介绍设计!我们将利用热水壶、箱子、铲子、头盔、混凝土障碍物、医药箱、眼镜、交通锥、冷却器、游戏机等物品,将它们变成时尚的科幻道具。您将熟练掌握 3D Studio Max、V-Ray 和 Plasticity,并学习到一些快速设计的绝佳技巧,如 Max 的自动锐化工作流程。更贴心的是,除了建模,您还将学习如何在 V-Ray 中创建程序性材质,这样您就可以立即为模型添加复杂的细节、损伤和污垢,而不必担心 UV 解包或进入 Substance Painter。V-Ray 贴纸应用广泛,只需将贴纸对象放置在模型上,就能快速添加贴纸和徽标。您还将学习如何直接在 Max 中轻松渲染和添加后期处理效果、体积光和镜头效果,而无需进入 Photoshop 或其他程序。Max 和 V-Ray 提供了您所需要的一切!本课程将在未来几个月内持续更新,因此请务必经常访问以查看新内容,并随时关注我的 Youtube 频道上的更新: Arrimus3D.
想要提高多边形和 CAD 应用程序设计水平的新手和中级建模师及设计师。
Practical Sci-Fi Design
Learn to use 3DS Max at a high level for sci-fi asset creation.
Learn to use Plasticity at a high level for sci-fi asset creation.
Learn the design principles and decisions that I think about when creating sci-fi assets.
Take modern objects and redesign them into nice-looking sci-fi assets.
This course is suitable for complete beginners who have access to Plasticity and Max. Other poly-modeling packages can be used.
Fast. Fun. Dynamic. Practical. Easy-to-grasp. Are you a beginner or intermediate 3D artist who is interested in sci-fi design? Are you interested in a course that guides your hand and takes you step-by-step through a series of gradually more complex designs until you are confident in making anything you want? If you are then this course is for you! I designed this course to introduce design in a cohesive and practical way, by taking real life objects and giving them a sci-fi twist! We will take objects like thermoses, crates, shovels, helmets, concrete barriers, medkits, glasses, traffic cones, coolers, game consoles, and more and turn them into sleek sci-fi props. You will become proficient in 3D Studio Max, V-Ray, and Plasticity and learn some great techniques for fast design such as the auto-crease workflow for Max. To sweeten the deal, in addition to modeling, you will also learn how to create procedural materials in V-Ray so you can add complex detail and damage and grime to your models right away without having to worry about unwrapping UVs or going into Substance Painter. V-Ray decals are used extensively so you can add stickers and logos quickly by just placing the decal object on your model. You will also learn how to easily render and add post-processing effects, volume lights, and lens effects directly in Max without having to go into Photoshop or any other program. Max and V-Ray have all that you need! This course will continue to get updates for months to come so be sure to visit often to see the new content and stay tuned for updates on my Youtube channel: Arrimus3D.
New and intermediate modelers and designers who want to improve their designs in polygon and CAD applications.
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